U.S. business and employees by company size and industry

At paradoxes we often get asked by clients how many businesses there are in the U.S. We’ve leveraged U.S. Census Bureau data to summarize this information.
U.S. businesses by company size

There are a total of 7,959,103 U.S. business entities as of 2019. 97.5% of firms have less than 100 employees.

2019 U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. employees by company size

There are a total of 132,989,428 U.S. employees as of 2019. While larger companies (500+ employees) make up less than 0.5% of entities they employ 23% of the workforce. 25% work at medium companies (100-499 employees). 52% of employees work at businesses with less than 100 employees.

2019 U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. establishments in each industry

At 13% retail is the largest industry in the U.S. followed by professional, scientific, and technical services, and health care.

2019 U.S. Census Bureau
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